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Disney's KINGDOM OF THE SUN tidbits

Hey folks, Harry here with a brief tidbit about Disney's Peruvian epic, KINGDOM OF THE SUN. Now a looooong time ago, Sir Etch-A-Sketch warned us that this was the worst P.O.S. (Piece Of PuPu) ever created by Disney.... BUT... That was over a year and a half ago... and is often the case with animated films.... they change... alot. So... Has KINGDOM OF THE SUN changed? Have the llamas stopped farting? Is the infamous 'llama llama' song gone? I don't know... but over here at this LINK you can check out a cast list, plot and some images from the film. The images... OF COURSE.... look very good. But... it does have David Spade as the lead character... and recently he's been the kiss of death. Hmmmm... I hope this film pulls through...

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