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Movie News

The Return of Crocodile Dundee'!

Hey folks, well look like the man with a big damn knife might be coming back from outback... Ya know... I don't know. Paul Hogan seemed so... fleeting... ya know. Like here then gone? As in, not a permanent piece of pop culture (like John Wayne or Clint Eastwood or Harrison Ford) but more like Punky Brewster... ya know? Will a comeback work? Hey... it worked for Wayne Newton!

My name's Clint, I live in Australia and have been a keen movie buff for several years. Anyway, I was sent an email from a source yesterday about Paul Hogan doing another "Crocodile Dundee" film. I was informed that the project was over at Lion's Gate and that Hoges and his long time producer pal, John Cornell, were both working on this sequel. First thought was "oh no"!, Hoges is getting a bit too old to play energetic adventurer, Michael J.Crocodile Dundee, for a start. But it all sounds like a ploy to save the dying career of Hogan, whose film career, outside of "Croc" has been (excuse the pun!) a "Croc". Tonight, the Australian TV program "The Movie Show" (SBS) confirmed the contents of my email. Paul Hogan is indeed going to do the film and it will be called CROCODILE DUNDEE RETURNS. It is going to shoot next year, and Linda Kozlowski, is also returning to reprise her role as the big shot journo who fell for the outback adventurer in the original 1986 hit. Anyway, looks like the millenium better get ready for Crocodile Dundee again!



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