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Bruce Willis, Terry Gilliam and THE DEFECTIVE DETECTIVE'

Alright, for all you short timers out there (that is, folks that have only been reading for the last year or so... this would be a project that you probably have been unfamiliar with, but is... one of the greatest unproduced projects out there. THE DEFECTIVE DETECTIVE is a brilliant project about a down and out... Eddie Valiant meets Marlowe style detective... His whife and child have left him behind, he's clinging to the past... stumbles into a case that takes him... well... to an entirely different state of surreality. This is a pure Gilliam project... that type of project that makes Gilliam...well... Gilliam. Only TG would have made TIME BANDITS or BRAZIL... and only Gilliam could make this film. Willis would be perfection in the role. Anyways... in an essence, this film has everything that could have worked in HOOK, and all the soul and heart and originality that HOOK was missing. A brilliant project. And... well... Here's the latest...

Hey Harry, not only has Terry Gilliam got his hands full with Don Quixote and the adaptation of Good Omens but a couple of weeks back TG got a call from his pal Bruce Willis offering his services again for The Defective Detective.

Willis was once seriously linked to the project (as indeed have been Nic Cage, Cameron Diaz and Nick Nolte at various times) just after the success of 12 Monkeys, but the project of course never materialised.

Maybe Willis's latest interest will help get the film made, yet it will probably be the end of 2002 by the time Gilliam's free if these two other project come about.

For the latest on Terry Gilliam projects, visit Dreams (link below)

Kind Regards,

Phil Stubbs, Edinburgh

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