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Michel Gondry gets Phillip K. Dick's UBIK


Nordling here.
I'm going to hear it from the Talkbackers and the AICN staff, but I'm not very well read on Philip K. Dick.  I've always been meaning to dive into his work, and of course I'm aware that BLADE RUNNER's a loose adaptation of Dick's "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?"  Tomorrow I see THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, a movie I'm really looking forward to, and I haven't read the work on which it's based.  Which may be a good thing; I can approach the film without having to refer to the pre-existing work and review it as a film first and foremost.
Dick's UBIK is considered one of his great works and according to The Playlist, which pulled this information from a French film site, Allocine , Michel Gondry is going to adapt that work for the screen.  The story seems to work with Gondry's indie sensibility - it's strange and quirky and funny - but also allows Gondry to play, cinematically.
Yeah, yeah.  I'm heading to the library tonight.  Don't rip me too much down there, TBers.
Nordling, out.
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