The following came in from AB KING... AICN and internet pulse reader of the careers of Arnold... and Stallone. He sent in this bit which is from an interview with Arnold in England. And... frankly I have a comment on this scoop.
If you notice this scoop says that Arnold is waiting on a script to be finished for a Dirty Dozen type of movie that both he and Stallone would do for basically free, if he loves the script when it's done.
If this report from AB KING can be trusted, and I see no reason why not, then it is my belief (speculation, gut instinct) that this project would be the Tarantino WWII movie that he's writing. I've heard from people that Tarantino has described this film that he's writing on as being his DIRTY DOZEN type of thing... his GUNS OF NAVARONE.... his men on a mission movie. If my suspicions are right, and this goes through... Then paint me happy as hell... this could be one helluva cool flick...
Ok Harry, here is the manuscript that my source just gave me regarding the team-up of SCHWARZENEGGER and STALLONE. Arnold was interviewed last week while he was in the UK for the premiere of END OF DAYS. The interview took place on a show called Johnny Vaughn. Vaughn asked Arnold about his rivalry with Sly and the fact that they always mention each other in some of their films. Arnold said the reason why he and Sly have not made a film together is because they're waiting for the right script. Arnie then said he would like to do a big movie with Stallone and is waiting for a DIRTY DOZEN script to become available.
Vaughn asked Arnold if Stallone and Arnie's 20+ million paychecks would make the budget too big and Arnold said he and Sly would drop their salaries and make the film for free because they already have enough money in the bank. Arnold said the only thing that matters is if the script is GREAT. No director was mentioned but if I was Arnold and Sly, I would look to either: James Cameron, Paul Verhoeven, John McTiernan, Renny Harlin or John Woo to direct this film if it ever gets made.