Nordling here.
And with that, J.J. Abrams won the Super Bowl.
If this is what we're getting with SUPER 8, as an avowed 80s Spielberg freak, this has become the most anticipated film of the year for me. Well, that and THE MUPPETS. I felt those old goosebumps that I hadn't felt since I saw E.T. or CLOSE ENCOUNTERS. And yeah, I know that's massive hyperbole. Can't help it. In 30 seconds, J.J. Abrams nailed the Spielberg aesthetic. I must see this film as soon as possible. Now, Mr. Abrams. Pretty please?
Nordling, out.
Find the new Super Bowl “Super 8” spot here.
Hey folks, Harry here...
While we wait for the SUPER 8 Super Bowl spot - Hero Complex has an exclusive look on SUPER 8 - great little piece. Now where's the spot?
Here's a little bit of SUPER 8 flash- goodness... doesn't tell us much, a bus goes up on one side it looks like. The mystery continues - how much will be revealed during the SUPER BOWL? We'll see soon enough... right? A twitter friend found this at SUPER8NEWS.Com