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SURVIVOR’s Finally Back!! And So Are Russell Hantz & Boston Rob Mariano!!

I am – Hercules!!

The new edition of “Survivor,” launching tonight, will bring back two players from a previous season as well as two NFL vets.

The two returnees are Russell Hantz and Rob Mariano,  rivals from a hit all-star season that aired this time last year. 

Marinano's profession is not listed on the CBS website but it could easily be "game show contestant."  CBS has now given him six shots at winning a million dollars -- four on "Survivor" and two on "The Amazing Race."  

Vets have been integrated with newbies in the past. Stefanie LaGrossa and Bobby Drinkard spent their second seasons among rookies, and of course there was the big Fans Vs. Faves competition, in which half the cast was comprised of returnees.

If you want to get on “Survivor,” move to California. Ten of the 16 new contestants live there:  

Natalie Tenerelli (19)
Acton, Calif.
Professional Dancer

Andrea Boehlke (21)
Random Lake, Wis.

Ashley Underwood (25)
Benton, Maine

Krista Klumpp (25)
Columbia, S.C.
Pharmaceutical Rep

Stephanie Valencia (26)
Long Beach, Calif.

Francesca Hogi (36)
Washington, DC

Sarita White (36)
Santa Monica, Calif.
Visual Effects Producer

Kristina Kell (46)
Malibu, Calif.
Law Student

Julie Wolfe (50)
Oceanside, Calif.

Matt Elrod (22)
Nashville, Tenn.
Pre-Med Student

Grant Mattos* (29)
West Hollywood, Calif.
Yoga Instructor

David Murphy (31)
West Hollywood, Calif.
Defense Attorney

Mike Chiesl (31)
Del Mar, Calif.
Former Marine

Ralph Kiser (45)
Lebanon, Va.

Steve Wright* (51)
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Former NFL Player

Phillip Sheppard (52)
Santa Monica, Calif.
Technology Executive

*NFL vet.

8 p.m. Wednesday. CBS

See what all the new cast members look like here.




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