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BLACK DEATH will be here soon! Finally!

Hey folks, Harry here with the HULU embed of a trailer for a movie that Yoko and I saw at the Aruba International Film Festival earlier this year.   I'm quite fond of this film.   It plays with the concept of evil witchcraft during the time of the Black Plague...   thus the title, BLACK DEATH.   It was the only film I saw in Aruba that genuinely was an awesome surprise.   I went to the screening based on the title alone.   As a kid that spent way too much time at Renn Faires...   the call of "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD" - was part of the morning cries at the Faire.   So I learned a lot about the Black Plague.   Just the notion of something like the Black Death sweeping across a continent...  well, it is spooky.   

But this film - is actually just a great little period horror/action piece.   It stars Sean Bean, looking every bit the Boromir we remember.  But the story belongs to Eddie Redmayne, who plays a Monk named Osmund, who is having a torrid affair with a lovely lady, and sets out on this quest to escape both his duties as a Monk, as well as the BLACK DEATH - which seems like a supernatural curse to The Abbot, played by David Warner.


There's rumors of a town that has turned its back on Christianity, but is free of the plague.   Sean Bean's Ulric is sent with his awesome group of men, that torture and kill the demons and witches of the time.   The lady in charge of the village they are going to is Carice Van Houten (BLACK BOOK - and she's awesome here!)





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