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Live in Chicago? Capone has free tickets to a killer holiday movie event TONIGHT: Double-Feature GREMLINS and DIE HARD!!!

Hey, folks. Capone in Chicago here.

I realize the holidays are almost upon us, and I just wanted to tgive Chicagoans who aren't going out of town just yet a little extra alternative Christmas treat by offering up 10 pairs of tickets to a little something going one at the legendary Music Box Theatre tonight. This is my way of thank you guys for always (well, almost always) showing up in force to all of the screenings I did in 2010. I was especially heartened by the turnout for last week's screening of RARE EXPORTS (which just happens to be opening at the Music Box on Christmas Eve).

However, tonight's event is particularly fun. It's a double-feature of two very different kinds of holiday films: GREMLINS and DIE HARD. That's right, Gizmo and John McClane want to wish you a Merry Christmas, and in between the features will be some great vintage '80s trailers. The showtimes for the two films are:


7:05pm DIE HARD


You can go to any combination of the two films, so feel free to check out the early GREMLINS show or the later one. As I said, I have 10 pairs of free tickets, and all you have to do to win them is be one of the first 10 people to email If you get a confirmation from the Music Box box office folks, you win. Easy as that.

Have fun, guys, and have a great holiday. I'll have some more reviews for the holiday releases soon, and, I've already got my first screening for 2011 booked, and it's pretty badass. You'll hear more about that very soon. Enjoy!


-- Capone

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