Ain't It Cool News (

‘Now Going To Sleep-Mode!!’
The Last SOUTH PARK Of 2010!!

I am – Hercules!! Previously: 14.1 Fourth graders developed sex addiction. 14.2 “The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs” was forged. 14.3 Randy’s scrotum provided transport. 14.4 Kyle friended the wrong schoolmate. 14.5 Stan accused Tom Cruise of packing fudge. 14.6 Celebrities conspired to exploit Muhammad’s goo. 14.7 A camper was violated by a massive fish. 14.8 Vagicil decimated Cartman’s racing dreams. 14.9 A Snookie was cornered. 14.10 Mackey was molested by an ecology champion. 14.11 The Coon was forced to discipline his insolent cohorts. 14.12 Kenny revealed he knows what we know. 14.13 Cthulhu brought to an abrupt end Justin Beiber’s career. Comedy Central says of the 14th season finale, "Crème Fraiche":
STANS PARENTS ARE GROWING APART IN AN ALL-NEW "SOUTH PARK" ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 AT 10:00 P.M. ON COMEDY CENTRAL NEW YORK, November 15, 2010 - Randy cant get enough of the Food Network in an all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "Crème Fraiche," premiering on Wednesday, November 17 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on COMEDY CENTRAL. Stan’s life is a shambles both at home and in school. Randy’s obsession with the Food Network Is changing everything. It even forces Sharon to explore a new interest of her own. When his mom takes off with her "new interest," Stan is left behind to pick up the pieces.
10 p.m. Wednesday. Comedy Central.
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