Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. You know him for his role in creating effects in everything from Evil Dead 2 to Kill Bill, but now KNB's own Greg Nicotero has directed a really damn geeky short. I've known Greg for going on 12 years now and can tell you this dude bleeds cinema... fitting because he also makes people bleed in cinema. Like most effects guys, Greg is a giant geek and perhaps the only Jaws fan that puts me to shame. The dude knows everything about that movie. Greg's been flirting with directing for a while. He directed second unit on The Mist for Frank Darabont and now he has this great short, a love letter to movie monsters that asks the question "What if the movie monsters of yesteryear weren't make-ups, but real semi-trained creatures brought in to be filmed?" You know, like Lassie. AMCTV has the entire short on their website. Just in time for Halloween! Enjoy!
Way to go, Greg! Good job! -Quint quint@aintitcool.com Follow Me On Twitter