An Exclusive Trailer For J.W. Rinzler's Amazing Book THE MAKING OF STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK!!
Published at: Sept. 14, 2010, 10:44 a.m. CST by merrick
Merrick here...
...with a trailer for the forthcoming THE MAKING OF STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK from Del Rey.
This one's from J. W. Rinzler, who previously brought us THE COMPLETE MAKING OF INDIANA JONES and THE MAKING OF STAR WARS . Both are excellent titles, the later I hold is (probably) the finest "Making of..." book ever created.
As such, it was with no small amount of Geeked-out enthusiasm that I learned Mr. Rinzler was assembling a MAKING OF STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK - devoted to what I consider the finest of all STAR WARS films. And I'm extremely happy to report that, whether you're a fan of Rinzler's previous work, of EMPIRE, or of both, this newest installment pays off in profound ways. I've been looking through it, and it's pretty much everything we'd want it to be. Look for a more detailed assessment in the coming weeks.
For now, here's hint of what you'll find in the book, courtesy of Del Rey and the folks over at Lucasfilm.
You can learn more about Rinzler's THE MAKING OF STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK HERE, and it's also up for pre-order HERE.
Stay tuned...
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