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Klingons And Khan Namechecked By Team Abrams In Upcoming SFX Article!!

I am – Hercules!! The next “Star Trek” movie is about 21.5 months from warping into cinemas, and New Pike, Bruce Greenwood, recently allowed there seemed to be a plan to start shooting in January. We don’t even know who’s directing, or what the title is, but J.J. Abrams is producing and the same fellows who wrote the last “Trek” will be back. And Team Bad Robot must be closing in on some sort of story by now, yes? TrekMovie got hold of upcoming SFX Magazine interviews with Abrams and the writers, and began reading tea leaves. There appears to be little more in the article than a whole lot of “maybe we will and maybe we won’t,” but it is slightly interesting that Alex Kurtzman is still namechecking Khan Noonien Singh after all these months and Roberto Orci references the enduring appeal of the Klingon. The two excerpts:
Kurtzman: Starting at a premise of what you want to see and then working a story around it is not how we do it. You have to start with what is the right story. And that if you can say "That’s a story that Khan fits into", that’s how you get to that. Not deciding on a menu list of items and then seeing if you can’t string them all together.
Orci: Introducing a new villain in the sequel is tempting because we now have this incredible new sandbox to play in. On the other hand, some fans really want to see Klingons and it’s hard not to listen to that. The trick is not to do something that’s been seen before just because you think it will be a short cut to likeability.
Nobody ever mentions Sargon or Ruk. We ALMOST got a Victor Garber Klingon in the last movie. I guess we're all just growing fatigued as we await details. Find all of TrekMovie’s story about SFX’s story on the matter here.
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