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ANGRY BIRDS Flying Towards Movies & TV??

Merrick here...
ANGRY BIRDS... nearly perfect in its addictiveness. It's so distracting, so completely enticing, that it's almost sinister. I've lost my teenage son to it, I've lost my woman to it, and even my toddler has figured out how to play it. He runs around humming the game's theme as he bounces about the house. It's awesome 'bouncing about the house' music, really...
The other day, he took a stuffed yellow chicken, found a pair of my woman's panties (really - they were hers), loaded the furry little poultry into said panties, then used the panties as a slingshot to knock down a wall of blocks he'd just constructed. So, it is with no small amount of concern for public welfare and the preservation of social functionality on the whole that I share the following news from THIS article in Variety...
Rovio, the Finnish creator of the hit iPhone and iPad game, which has sold more than 6.5 million downloads, wants to turn the property into a major franchise that crosses over to other platforms -- from TV shows and movies to toys and comicbooks. The company's founders have been making the rounds of the studios and tenpercenteries over the last several weeks weighing which ancillary offers to move forward with first.
I'm struggling to figure how exactly this game could be adapted for either the big or small screens, as it's transcendent in its simplicity and I'm not exactly sure what writers could key on and expand. Although, I suppose some of the set-up/"backstory" could be further developed into a narrative. Approaching it in the style of say... the old Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote cartoons, or THE SIMPSONS' Itchy and Scratchy, could work? Maybe?
All of this reminds me...a good friend of mine (he was recently voted one of Wired Magazine's 150 Geeks to follow on Twitter!) are looking into developing one or two game apps on both iPhone and Android. We've just started talking about this, so ideas aren't too solidly formed at the moment - but what we have seems reasonable, promising, and one concept is particularly odd-but-unique. There's little-to-no upfront development money available, so we'd all be looking at more of a back-end kinda arrangement. If anyone reading this knows about developing and creating games for mobile devices (iPhone, Android handsets, iPad) and might be interested in considering what we're up to, DROP ME A LINE. Be sure to put the word APP in your subject line...AICN Inboxes are a ridiculous mess (hundreds of spams a day)....this way I can search for "APP" and ensure no incoming mail gets missed. More on the ANGRY BIRDS adaptation as more comes in...
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