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Quint on The Other Guys panel at Comic-Con! McKay on Anchorman 2 and the Boys plus random hilarity from Ferrell & Wahlberg!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a little update from the San Diego Comic-Con. Today’s Sony Panel featured a few projects, but by far the most entertaining was the panel on THE OTHER GUYS featuring Adam McKay, Eva Mendes, Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell. When Will initially arrived onstage, wearing rad sunglasses, he shook hands and then just left.

“Hey, Will… um, stick around, we’re going to do some talking,” said McKay.

Some quick footage was shown, with an early focus on the top-cops of the station, played by Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson as they Lethal Weapon it up. In fact the first thing we see is them drive their car into a bus. Jackson yells out, “Someone call 9-1-holy shit!” Since the flick comes out in two weeks and has been screened a bit, I only want to highlight one other part of the clip which had Farrell picking up his stolen Prius, which had apparently been used as the location of a bum orgy. This also escaped the impound guy’s mouth: “We found a deer vagina. We thought it could have been there from before… We first thought it was human lips…” I was laughing throughout the footage, but not nearly as hard as I was during the Q&A. - Clip comes back up and Will is faux crying. “I wish the movie would never come out!” Then more seriously, “It’s really sad when you’re laughing at your own trailer so hard.” Adam: “Were you really? That’s pathetic.” - Why Eva joined up: “It was my idea to get that hot piece of ass that is Will Ferrell.” – Eva “She made it terribly uncomfortable with her leering eyes.” – Will - Originally supposed to be Will, Mark and Ben Kingsley, but “we all know the troubles Ben has been having recently.” (joke, of course) - Will’s favorite quotes from his films: “I want to be on you…” (cheers from crowd) “By the way, it is a pleasure being here in the Whale’s Vagina…” (even more cheers) “Also, lots of “you’re my boy, blue” “shake and bake.” Mostly though I get “Please, don’t touch me.”” - Eva laugh a lot on the set? “No, I didn’t laugh at all on the set. He’s not that funny.” Said no way, it was a laugh fest… and that she lives her life by Anchorman, which she called her ‘THE GODFATHER” or “CITIZEN KANE.” - McKay was asked about Anchorman 2 and said it was not to be, but maybe in another year and a half or two years they’ll try again. The reason for the wait is due to the actors’ busy schedules. - Next up for Adam is THE BOYS. - Will said he just signed on to do a remake of Boys on the Side. “It’s a weird coincidence.” - Ron Burgundy is Will’s favorite character he’s played in a film. Next to the Funeral Director in Drowning Mona, of course. Will’s words, not mine. - A young man with braces asks Eva if he remembers him. Usually this is an awkward situation at these Q&As, but when this guy was a little kid Eva Mendes was at Comic-Con with GHOST RIDER and he asked her a question. She told him he was cute and to give her a call in 5 years. “Well, it’s been 5 years…” Mendes freaked out and seemed genuinely excited to see this guy. Lots of laughing flirtation going on here in front of 8000 people. To the teen, Eva said “You were little and so cute. And you’re cute now!” Making the kid blush and the audience howl. - Another kid shows up, this one a little nerdy and nervous as he compliments Eva’s beauty. Eva: “You’re adorable. Are you of age?” He’s 16 and suddenly Mendes feels guilty. - Then the kid’s mom shows up and things got hysterically funny. She pretty much said she’s fine with Mendes flirting with her kid. That’s when Ferrell and Wahlberg joined in and really started to give her and this teenage boy some shit: Wahlberg pressed him to ask his question, then guessed it: “She smells like she looks. Fantastic.” “You’d pimp me out to an underage boy?” asked Eva. “His mom said it’s okay!” said Wahlberg. - Long story short, Eva Mendes could have any number of 16 year old lover boys if she so desired, a point not lost on the panel. - On whether he had to do any training, Ferrell said: “Mark had to do all the hard stuff. All I had to do was stand there and say “Watch out!”” - Hidden talents from Will? Mark: “Tell her about the tongue wrestling skills!” “I’m not going to get into that, but I am a bit of a gourmet chef. I cook a lot of Thai food.” Eva: “What’s your signature dish?” “Um, chili pot pie. Like chicken pot pie, but with chili.” Adam says Will’s food is not good. Uses too much Crisco in his Thai. Will took great offense. - McKay on difficulties of bringing this story to the screen: “There was a financial fraud plot and I can tell just hearing that you’re already bored by it. Making that work was difficult.” Plus Mark’s nautilus equipment and a bouncy castle was difficult to acquire. - A girl brought up that Mark speaks Hebrew. He speaks some. “You sure that’s Hebrew? Sounds like Klingon,” said Ferrell. Mark says something else in Hebrew and then says: “Come back to the mic and tell them what I said.” The girl who asked the question returns and, laughing, says “He called you a son of a bitch and fuck you.” - Film school worth while? “Fuck no! Shit!” – Wahlberg. - Will’s Bucket List. “I still hope to one day have a 52 inch vertical leap. It’s funny that Mark knows Hebrew. I’d love to know Hebrew one day. I’m still working on my novel. I’m about 7000 pages into it. It’s called Kickin’ Ass.” Adam: “It’s written in Aramaic, right?” “Oh, I want to get my pilot’s license. I’d love to circumnavigate the world. I love to fly. Meaning I love to smoke pot.” - A real mean ass villain role for Will? “I don’t know if you’d ever really buy me as a legit bad guy.”

I realize the panel in written form isn’t nearly as great as it was sitting there, but it was like attending a roast. These guys weren’t afraid to turn the tables on those asking the questions, which could come off as mean, but all those on the panel were just nice enough to not push into dickhead territory… Although, one guy with a weird speech pattern did ask a question and Ferrell immediately starting imitating him… Funny as hell, but a little insulting. You know what the panel felt like? Like a comedy exercise (where they constantly challenge each others' improv skills) or some kind of funny jazz riffing as these incredibly sharp and funny people play against each other and the different personalities they encountered via the Q&A. I hope you guys got a little bit of the enjoyment of the panel through these brief recounts. I’ve heard the movie’s really funny. I expect nothing less from an Adam McKay/Will Ferrell flick. If the movie's half as funny as these guys just joking around in front of a shit-ton of geeks then we're in for a damn good time. -Quint Follow Me On Twitter

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