Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with an awesome exclusive for you.
We all know Drew Struzan is a master. We’re all super excited for THE WALKING DEAD. So when those two geek asteroids collide we get this awesome exclusive thanks to the folks at AMC and Mr. Frank Darabont.
Take a look (and click for super large version):

Excellent! Reminds a lot of Struzan’s MIST poster, especially in color scheme.
From what Darabont has mentioned, this is the first time Struzan has depicted zombies! Pretty awesome, right? I'm also told that if the show continues on to multiple seasons that there will be a different crazy-awesome artist doing their take on The Walking Dead every year at Comic-Con!
For those attending the Con, I know there’s a signing at the AMC Booth (#3721) Friday at 4pm and I’m pretty sure the above is what they’re signing. I’m stuck in Hall H at the time, so count me jealous!
I got some rad pictures of the horror-show that is the AMC booth which you can see in about an hour when I finish up my annual preview night pictorial! Stay tuned!
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