Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes pic!
Keeping the Joker theme alive I’ve decided pop in a little pic of Jack Nicholson in the make-up chair for Tim Burton’s Batman. Make-up artist Nick Dudman applies Jack’s smile in this black and white pic. Notice the incredibly creepy Nicholson dummy head on the counter.
I think Heath Ledger has given us the definitive live action Joker performance (with Mark Hamill coming in as king of the vocal performances, of course), but I still love what Nicholson did with the character in Burton’s film. It’s a little silly, a lot sinister and that damn skin-tone make-up he wears when trying to look normal still creeps me out.
Plus, no matter how awesome Ledger was he didn’t have Prince to dance to. And that’s a fact, Jack.

Thanks again to William Forsche for finding this pic.
If you have a pic you think should be included email me. I’m looking for the iconic, the rare, the just plain cool behind the scenes shots to feature here.
The Joke’s not over yet. See you tomorrow for the next one!
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