Steve Carell is coming for your children. As the voice of the "evil" Gru in DESPICABLE ME, the star of THE 40-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN and THE OFFICE has created a perfectly lovable supervillain for kids to laugh at and, ultimately, cheer. Gru dreams of striking fear into the heart of law-abiding citizens everywhere, but generally settles for mild annoyance on a sort of grand-ish scale. His proudest accomplishments: swiping the Times Square jumbotron, the Statue of Liberty (from Vegas) and the Eiffel Tower (ditto). It's all rather innocuous. But when a rival wrongdoer steals an Egyptian pyramid (and cleverly replaces it with an inflatable replica), Gru is suddenly inspired to heist something humans might actually miss: the moon. It's a fun world for Carell to immerse himself in - a colorful variation on the work of Charles Addams that's never too scary or mean-spirited for the little ones (it helps that Gru's villainous nature is consistently undercut by the shenanigans of his bumbling yellow minions). Should the film catch on with families, its success could propel Carell to that rarefied level of movie stardom occupied (at one time or another) by Eddie Murphy, Steve Martin and Mike Myers. When I chatted briefly with Carell a couple of Saturdays ago, he expressed a humble satisfaction with the direction of his career while noting that he doesn't want to cling to his "A-list" status. What's important to him is the quality of the material and his collaborators - which explains why he's eager to work with DATE NIGHT co-star Tina Fey again, and, fingers crossed, revisit his pals on the Channel 4 News Team. In the below interview, we discuss his involvement in developing the character of Gru, the necessity of ANCHORMAN 2, and his thoughts on how Michael Scott should exit THE OFFICE. It's a quick interview, but I was grateful for the time to talk with one of my favorite working comedic actors.