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All you ENCOM geeks, check out this postcard for VICE SQUAD & KRAZ*BOT & ARC WARS & ASTRO GUNNER!!!

Hey folks, Harry here with an awesome additional item to TRON LEGACY's brilliant Viral campaign they've been running from the get go. Check this out:

Thanks goes to SCREW WZRD for the scoop - I'll upload the reverse side in a moment. Oh - and click for the full size version! And how much do you want to play VICE SQUAD now?

RPLocke just sent his card for KRAZ BOT in!

Now Hudgens sent in these pics:

And then this crazy wonderful bastard, Hudgens, stuck the cards under a blacklight... because... well, he's awesome like that. And something showed up, so he had to show us that too!

EhrHead just sent in the ASTRO GUNNER images...

What does it all mean? Will there be an arcade with more ENCOM stand up arcade units? If so, I hope to god I don't miss it like I did last year! Thanks a lot Talkbackers - When you find something, send it on, we can play like this most every day.

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