Ain't It Cool News (

"Homicide" TV movie / "Crusade" soundtrack available / "B5" CD-ROM / David Arnold's "Godzilla" on Soundtrack Cinema !!!

Glen here...

...with a few snippets of news which should be of interest to regular Coaxial readers:

Homicide TV movie to shoot next month !!!

Well, months and months of persistent rumors have finally panned out! Homicide -- no longer on the air but still a favorite amongst Coaxial readers -- will launch into TV moviedom in November as photography commences on a new telefilm based on the legendary NBC series. It's called, simply enough, Homicide: The Movie.

Andre Braugher will return as Detective Frank Pembleton. Ned Beatty and Richard Belzer will also reprise their series roles for the movie, as will a few previously deceased characters from the series (???). Homicide overlords Tom Fontana and Barry Levinson will be guiding the new film, which will be directed by Jean De Segonzac -- and scripted by Tom Fontana, Eric Overmeyer and James Yoshimura.

All of this comes from a Variety article, which can be accessed by CLICKING HERE!


Crusade soundtrack now available !!!

Selections from Evan Chen's controversial score to the Babylon 5 spinoff series Crusade are now available for purchase.

Many B5 fans hated Chen's Crusade score with a passion that was both scathing and verbose. Others found Chen's music to be bold, daring, and atmospheric.

No matter what your personal opinion re: his "music", you can jump to the SONIC IMAGES web site to learn more details about the product, and get information on how to order it directly from Sonic.

Which reminds me: sometime before my departure from this site, there will be one last Crusade article which might interest fans of the Babylonian Universe. Nothing earthshattering, but still geeky cool in a sad sort of way...


Babylon 5: Into the Fire CD-ROM: on again ???

The much anticipated Babylon 5 CD-ROM game -- which features new footage of many B5 characters in a sprawling CD-ROM adventure -- may soon be given a new lease on life.

The epic game, called Babylon 5: Into The Fire, has been beset by numerous problems of late, as the layoffs, downsizing, etc. which repeatedly jeopardized the project ultimately closed it down completely.

Now comes word that fan driven efforts to revive the CD-ROM may actually be working, and various avenues towards saving the project are being seriously explored. More on these effort -- and what you can do to help save Into the Fire -- can be found by accessing this Wired article!

Good luck, guys !!!


Soundtrack Cinema

remake show

Ford A. Thaxton's SOUNDTRACK CINEMA, available at FILM.COM, will feature music from various cinematic remakes this week.

Most significantly, the on-line show will feature selections from David Arnold's unreleased score to Emmerich and Devlin's Godzilla. I know many AICN readers have articulated their approval of this score (even if they didn't like the movie it accompanied). As the score itself never enjoyed a formal commercial release (how do travesties such as this still happen?), Ford's show will provide you with a unique opportunity to hear the score out of context with the film -- so it can be judged on its own merits (which, for my money, are quite strong).

Also on this week's Soundtrack Cinema: the theme from Sabrina (John Williams); a suite from The Thomas Crown Affair (Bill Conti); and a suite from Cape Fear (Bernard Herrmann).

Soundtrack Cinema is a web cast that can be accessed through FILM.COM. To hear the show, you will need Real Audio capabilities, which can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE.

Ford's show changes subject matter towards the middle of every week. So if you wanna hear Godzilla, you'd better get to it -- as it'll be gone in four or five more days.

Enjoy !!!


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(512) 347-1992

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Glen Oliver

P.O. BOX 160812

Austin, TX 78716-0812


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