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TV Dramedy Vets Berlanti, Green and Guggenheim To Pen GREEN LANTERN 2 Treatment!!

I am – Hercules!! Three writers hired to write drafts of DC Comics movies “Green Lantern” and “The Flash” have now been hired to write a treatment for “Green Lantern 2,” according to The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision blog. These three writers are longtime collaborators, all with extensive experience writing dramedies on The WB and ABC. They are: * Greg Berlanti (“Dawson’s Creek,” “Jack & Bobby,” “Everwood,” “Dirty Sexy Money,” “Eli Stone,” “Brothers & Sisters”); * Marc Guggenheim (“Jack & Bobby,” “Brothers & Sisters,” “Eli Stone,” “FlashForward’); and * Michael Green (“Jack & Bobby,” “Everwood,” “Heroes,” “Kings”). Warner Bros. long ago announced Berlanti would direct the first “Green Lantern” movie from a screenplay by Berlanti, Guggenheim and Green -- but Berlanti (whose only prior directorial experience was the little-seen 2000 man-on-man romantic comedy “Broken Hearts Club”) was replaced as director by Martin Campbell (“Casino Royale”), who ordered Michael Goldenberg (“Contact,” “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”) to rewrite the GL1 script. IESB reported some time ago that Berlanti was a front-runner to direct "The Flash," but Heat Vision makes no mention of Berlanti's involvement as director. I could come up with a long list of TV writers in whom I’d have a lot more confidence than Berlanti, Guggenheim and Green – all men whose work I’m well familiar with – but maybe this trio is particularly affordable in this harsh economic climate? Find all of Heat Vision’s story on the matter here.

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