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No Afterlife At ABC!!

I am – Hercules!! Jennifer Love Hewitt is back on the market! Though it was long understood that ABC could pick up “Ghost Whisperer” if CBS dropped it, CBS cancelled it last week and now the series' executive producers, Ian Sander and Kim Moses, say it has truly joined the choir invisible:
After five wonderful seasons and over 100 episodes, we are disappointed to announce Ghost Whisperer will not be returning for a sixth season. We’ve had an incredible experience and owe a debt of gratitude to everyone involved. We continue our relationship with ABC Studios and look forward to developing many more successful projects together in the future.
There was also talk that CBS’ just-cancelled “New Adventures of Old Christine” could move to ABC but that too does not seem to be happening. And it also looks like basic cable’s TNT won’t be picking up a 21st season of the original “Law & Order,” which NBC cancelled last week.
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  • May 28, 2010 1:36 AM CST


    by dark-knight02

    Bye-bye Jennifer.

  • May 28, 2010 1:36 AM CST

    Wow. Is it just me, or is there some serious...

    by Jaka

    ...changeover happening on tv this season. Network and cable. Herc, is there a greater cancellation and new show ratio this year compared to the resent past? It sure feels that way.

  • May 28, 2010 1:38 AM CST

    On a more serious note...

    by dark-knight02

    why was this cancelled? Wasn't this the top show in it's time slot?

  • May 28, 2010 1:41 AM CST

    Law & Order got a raw deal.

    by JuanSanchez

  • May 28, 2010 1:42 AM CST

    And I'd kill everyone on this site to get with J Love.

    by JuanSanchez

  • May 28, 2010 1:48 AM CST

    Why did the smoke monster make mechanical sounds?


    And stomp around and tear down trees?

  • May 28, 2010 1:49 AM CST

    My last ex looks WAY like JLH.

    by Jaka

    I mean it was scary. Her height, her figure and her face. Only problem was her nose... it was not like JLH... it was larger... yeah... anyway. I've moved on from that. But it was fun.

  • May 28, 2010 1:50 AM CST


    by Jaka

    I do not resent the past. I'm at peace with it. Recently, however, I've been wondering about all these new shows and cancellations. Siiiigh...

  • May 28, 2010 2:00 AM CST

    Smoke monster was gonna be a dinosaur-like monster...

    by JuanSanchez

    and Cuse and the other guy are dirty, dirty liars.

  • May 28, 2010 2:00 AM CST

    I watched the final Law & Order

    by American Mythos

    It was pretty good. I hadn't watched it much in recent years, but Jeremy Sisto and Anthony Anderson had decent chemistry. I hope everyone from Linus Roache to S. Epatha Merkerson find some good roles after this.

  • May 28, 2010 2:18 AM CST

    Sisto and Anderson were getting better and better

    by JuanSanchez

  • May 28, 2010 2:19 AM CST

    Roache's smile was weird and creepy, though.

    by JuanSanchez

  • May 28, 2010 2:29 AM CST

    I don't get it.

    by thedarklinglord

    You have shows like Ghost Whisperer and Law & Order, both of which are well-established shows with, while probably not as great as they initially were, solid numbers. Why cancel them? It's the ebb and flow of television that viewers fluctuate, and nobody probably bothers to factor in the internet, where probably a large chunk of viewers watch their favorite shows. So unless the show is just doing abysmal, with virtually nobody watching, I would think networks would want to keep those series around rather than gamble on something new - because I'm betting the vast majority of "new" shows are utter crap and end up failing in a season or less. It's a damn shame.

  • May 28, 2010 2:38 AM CST

    Good, let dead dogs stay dead.

    by Cash907

    That last season of Law and Order was just god awful.

  • May 28, 2010 3:05 AM CST

    Why did people keep watching LOST

    by daggor

    when their brains were so fucked when the mechanical noises were seen coming from a smoke monster at the end of season 1? If that bothered you so goddamn much, you should have bailed years ago and spent last Sunday watching "Celebrity Apprentice," where nobody would ever, ever do anything to cause you distress.

  • May 28, 2010 3:10 AM CST

    JLH is cute, but if I met her in a brothel,

    by V'Shael

    I'd have my suspicions that she was a genetic female. Know what I mean? There's something odd about her chin or something. You'd never question it in a celebrity (a bit like Angelina's manly face, or Megan Fox's toe-thumbs) but if you were paying 500 bucks an hour, you might have your doubts.

    I have a feeling I'm gonna regret posting this when I come down... damn stupid drugs...

  • May 28, 2010 3:24 AM CST

    Good, this show deserved to get axed. As for L&O...

    by Obnoxious_Username

    ...that should have been renewed for another season, (and yes, I know L&O is NBC). Also, don't even get me started on the talk of rebooting Alias.

  • May 28, 2010 3:56 AM CST

    That's the craziest thing I've ever heard, V'Shael - but...

    by JuanSanchez

    you're excused because of the drugs.

  • May 28, 2010 4:18 AM CST

    Now JLH is one step closer to a nude photo shoot.

    by tonagan

    Quick, before they have to photoshop the hell out of her.

  • May 28, 2010 4:42 AM CST

    So she joins the Whispers...

    by dailysportspages

    Maybe she will meet up with the stewardess and the children?

  • May 28, 2010 5:43 AM CST


    by optimus122

    When they killed off the husband and then brought him back in the body of another man and then totally started to never show the other guys face the show was done. They even started calling the guy Jim instead of Sam and by this past season you would never know its a different body the guys spirit is's never mentioned. And then the kid having the power too..yikes.

  • May 28, 2010 5:47 AM CST

    The latest Esquire has an explanation of what it means

    by VikkiMarsdale

    in her bio book when she says she bedazzled her vajayjay. Not as interesting as you might think.

    My pal the Poozer, a huge J-Love-H fan, read me the section of the book, which is vague on exact details. She did it following a break-up, during a fallow period, when she was alone, so it was for her own amusement. No one else ever saw it and no photographic evidence exists. Though she did say she "got in touch with herself" and spent a lot of time looking at the area, if the mental image of Love inspecting her zone and masturbating in front of a mirror inspires your imaginations.

    But depending on twisted or how Goth your imaginations run, you may be disappointed to learn there was no piercing or riveting done to any intimate portions of her anatomy. the "Vajazzling" process simply consists of the removal of all hair from the area (the Mound, the pudendum, the vulva) and the affixing of small crystals to the upper mound (mons venus) - the "landing strip" area you see on models who remove some but not all of their pubic hair - with an adhesive that holds them in place for about five days. Commonly a geometric pattern is created, rather than a free form mineral bush. The usual trimmed pubes patterns such as the exclamation point, the box, the circle, the arrow or wedge pointing down to the top of the clitoral groove, etc. The Esquire columnist did specify that the heart shape is popular, and it does seem like an obvious choice for someone named Love, so add that to your mental image.

    I am glad Ms. Hewitt took some comfort from getting back in touch with herself during an otherwise despondent period of self-imposed celibacy. Beyond that, I have mixed feelings about the practice. I am in favor of the removal of hair. What was considered "kinky" in the '70s now seems not only as common ad armpit and leg shaving but practically ubiquitous, at least among nude models. But covering any part of the female genitalia that the male might come in fricative contact with during the coital act with little angular rocks seems a bit off-putting in a sort of sand in the vagina sort of way.

    I have no definitive answer about the efficacy of prayer, mental energy, positive thought, etc. But Jennifer Love Hewitt seems to be an emotional woman. Her acting range seems to consist largely of looking sad, concerned or slightly frightened. The news that her program has been canceled and the long rumored option of a repreive at another network has been denied will probably sadden her and so I hope you will all join me in spending some time concentrating and thinking good thought about Jennifer Love Hewitt's pussy in hopes that it might ease this period of her life and comfort her.

    Jennifer Love Hewitt's Bajazzled Vajayjay: please think about it, won't you?

  • May 28, 2010 7:10 AM CST

    @VikkiMarsdale - After that description...

    by V'Shael

    I'm afraid I'll think about nothing else all weekend.

  • May 28, 2010 7:29 AM CST

    life after L&O for cast

    by BizarroJerry

    I hope Alana de la Garza gets a job soon. Maybe on an HBO show. Preferably one of the ones with nudity.

  • May 28, 2010 7:38 AM CST

    hey, VikkiMarsdale

    by BizarroJerry

    While your length of your post was starting to make me unconfortable (that's what she said), your comment about no hair down there being now common put me in mind of Playboy. Their photos are a great indicator of those trends. That trend has gone so far, in fact, that Playboy photos are more explicit simply because the one natural thing keeping everything covered up has gone away.

  • May 28, 2010 9:24 AM CST

    Shows getting cancelled during their ratings prime

    by Nasty In The Pasty

    Not that I watched Ghost Whisperer, but isn't this what geeks always WANT to see in their favorite shows...going out while the series is at a creative prime instead of drawing out endlessly for eight/ten seasons? For all the bitching about Lost, it went out while it was still culturally relevant and creative as hell. No, it didn't cross every T and dot every I, but neither did it peter out to a "who cares?" wet fart of a resolution like The X-Files did. TV would be a greater place all around if every show was limited to either five seasons or 100 episodes, whichever comes first. Imagine if The Simpsons left the air around'd be a virtually flawless series that'd still be beloved by fans, instead of the soulless corporate drek its devolved into over the last ten years.

  • May 28, 2010 9:27 AM CST


    by Wrath4771

    You said, "pudendum." You did!

  • You mean like having its season finale nothing more than a 30-minute commercial for American Idol's season finale?

  • May 28, 2010 9:41 AM CST

    vag talk? ho yea!

    by yourSTEPDADDY

    and comin from the Vik man... good shit

  • May 28, 2010 10:07 AM CST

    really, I don't need to know

    by oisin5199

    about JLove's vagina. Really.

  • May 28, 2010 12:18 PM CST

    I don't like

    by optimus122

    bald pussy..dunno why but the landing strip is where its at for me. Completely bald down there for me is a turnoff. I don't want a chick that looks like she is sitting on Jerry Garcias shoulders but a nice strip is what I like.

  • May 28, 2010 12:18 PM CST

    "Why did the smoke monster make mechanical sounds?"

    by Son of a Butch

    Because that's what a smoke monster sounds like. Duh.

  • May 28, 2010 1:09 PM CST

    Time to make a sex tape!

    by johnnyangelheart

    But I'm still waiting for the oft promised Lindsay Lohan sex tape.

  • May 28, 2010 1:25 PM CST

    This show was still on?

    by jimmy rabbitte

    Man, that Jennifer Love Hewitt is damn hot.

  • May 28, 2010 2:08 PM CST

    speaking of which

    by Timahh

    R.I.P Gary Coleman....brain hemorage.

  • May 28, 2010 2:08 PM CST

    Im sure she'll get work... and R.I.P. Gary Coleman

    by lock67ca

    Just heard he died from his injures.

  • May 28, 2010 2:42 PM CST


    by Darth Busey

  • May 28, 2010 2:47 PM CST


    by DioxholsterReturns

    bitches need to watch SGU instead.

  • May 28, 2010 2:48 PM CST


    by RPLocke

  • May 28, 2010 2:55 PM CST

    When someone tells you Gary Coleman died

    by JoeD

    the correct response is always, "what chu talkin' bout :their name:" He would have hated it that way.

  • May 28, 2010 3:14 PM CST



    You brought a tear to my eye.

  • May 28, 2010 3:58 PM CST

    Geez, at this rate Mr Drummond will outlive the whole cast

    by cromulent

    Go go go Conrad Bain!

  • May 28, 2010 4:01 PM CST

    Big Titties.

    by EastBayFrankenstein

  • May 28, 2010 4:04 PM CST

    What does this article say?

    by br1947

    I can't stop staring at the pic long enough to read it

  • May 28, 2010 4:06 PM CST

    I think the article is about "Big Titties" or something.

    by EastBayFrankenstein

  • May 28, 2010 5:29 PM CST

    Another TV bloodbath in May.

    by Drath

    At least this time it was mostly shows I don't care about (now or ever). How bad was Heroes that I don't care it was dropped? I'm more upset about Better off Ted. And I got nothing for this show, I hated it for taking Joan of Arcadia's place. Hasn't someone shot that bitch Les Moonves yet? Useless fucker.

  • May 28, 2010 5:29 PM CST

    So JLH has a crusty hoo-hah?

    by RobinP

    I still would...wouldn't you?

  • May 28, 2010 5:46 PM CST

    Bring back Legend Of the Seeker, ABC!

    by mistergreen

    you heard me.

  • May 28, 2010 7:07 PM CST

    Everything that Dollhouse was losing to

    by buffywrestling

    in the ratings on Friday has been cancelled. It doesn't make me bitter though. Well, anymore bitter.

  • May 28, 2010 7:24 PM CST

    Luckiest... Towel... EVER!!!!

    by HB_Dad

    Sweet baby Jesus!!!

  • May 28, 2010 8:44 PM CST

    Cool News for once

    by FrodoFraggins

    It's good to see a crappy show get canceled.

  • May 29, 2010 6:17 AM CST

    Now I have the song Love Shack stuck in my head.

    by VikkiMarsdale

    Consider, if you will, the thought of J-Love Hewitt, her long slender legs and plump dimpled thighs splayed wide apart, lying on a scarlet silk covered bed in front of a large antique full length mirror, gazing in wonder and delight at the candle-lit sparkling crystal heart pointing down at her slim erect clitoris, her trim elegant inner lips open and moistened as her delicate thin neatly manicured digits with their gloss enameled and crystal encrusted nails stroking, teasing, dipping... ahem.

    Your positive thought could mean a lot to her in this period of loss. Jennifer Love Hewitt's Bajazzled Vajayjay: please think about it, won't you?

  • May 29, 2010 6:19 AM CST

    Did I mention

    by VikkiMarsdale

    salmon pink steamy creamy pool of delight?

    Jennifer Love Hewitt's Bajazzled Vajayjay: please think about it, won't you?

  • May 29, 2010 8:12 AM CST

    Just drop the DAMNED TOWEL!

    by tangcameo

    You'll have to eventually anyway. Might as well before they're down to your navel.

  • May 29, 2010 9:13 AM CST


    by steverogers5

    I'm right there with you buddy. I will never forgive this show for pushing Joan of Arcadia into that great big cancellation cloud in the sky.. JLH might have been better looking than Amber Tamblyn, but JOA had far superior supporting characters and a hell of a lot of potential. The drivel that made up Ghost Whisperer however, deserved cancellation a long time ago. Good Fricken riddance!

  • May 29, 2010 10:37 AM CST

    2 Degrees of Separation

    by Autodidact

    My ex's ex's ex was JLH. So I practically fucked her.

  • May 29, 2010 5:33 PM CST

    I'm surprised it lasted six seasons

    by MajorFrontbum

    It's an incredibly lackluster show with story lines dumbed-down for simpletons and miscreants. You only need to watch an ad for the show, in order to see just how bad it is. Ghost Whisperer = an incredible load of shit.

  • May 29, 2010 6:35 PM CST

    If only JLH went to an ABC network meeting like that in the pic.

    by MrMysteryGuest

    Ghost Whisperer would have a ten year order!

  • May 29, 2010 7:40 PM CST

    I would love to bitch slap the MF who...

    by BurnedNotice_Dude

    even hinted that JLH was fat.

  • May 29, 2010 9:26 PM CST

    Jennifer Love Hewitt : the 3 phase plan

    by theDORK

    Phase 1: Jennifer's face + my sperm. The harmonic convergence. Phase 2: Jennifer riding me to orgasm - no condom. Simplicity in design. Phase 3: Jennifer's tits + my face. That's good eatin'. The rest is just details.

  • May 30, 2010 12:39 AM CST

    What's with the fucking eye lashes?

    by Nerdgasm

    I mean, she's hot as hell and all, with those titties bouncing around...but I find her eye lashes way over the top and they are distracting me from her jugs...which is really hard to fucking do, because they are so magnificent and shit. Ditch the fan sized fake lashes JLH, for the love of God, I need to be able to concentrate on your boobs.

  • May 30, 2010 1:18 AM CST

    She has eyelashes?

    by br1947

    Dude, we're barely aware of her head, lol

  • May 30, 2010 11:34 AM CST

    She had a fat period

    by optimus122

    Don't you remember, when she was at the beach and her lower half was 2 times the size it normally was? Heck I remember watching GW and thinking to myself that they almost never shoot her from behind when she is wearing jeans or a tight dress. She lost the weight but only before being killed for it by the tabloids.

  • Newsflash kids - it isn't 1998 anymore. The Jennifer Love Hewitt of Can't Hardly Wait is gone. She has thunder thighs that actually produce thunder. JLH doesn't really look like that image in the pic, sorry.

  • May 31, 2010 12:22 AM CST

    Of course she has cellulite thighs and ass

    by VikkiMarsdale

    and you can lose weight but that stuff doesn't smooth out. So, you didn't know that was what the pornographis term "dimpled thighs" referred to You never say a fucking Frazetta painting of a goddess with "rippled legs"? Human beings are more than the sum of their limbs and organs, and it takes more than a stick figure to achieve sex appeal. Sure we've seen those papparazzi bikini shots with the cottage cheese ass, but I'd still risk scraping my forehead on her crystaline entity for a taste of that sweet Love juice. Like you wouldn't?

  • May 31, 2010 12:24 AM CST

    Optimus, the phrase "She had a fat period"

    by VikkiMarsdale

    makes me picture her inserting an Extra Large Tampon. Or me inserting it for her. Like you wouldn't...

  • May 31, 2010 6:50 AM CST

    Accept paypal or credit card and free shipping.

    by shoestrade19

    Hello, summer, good place for shopping, fashion, sexy, personality, maturity, from here to begin. Are you ready? ===== ==== Air jordan(1-24)shoes $30 Handbags(Coach l v f e n d i d&g) $35 Tshirts (Polo ,ed hardy,lacoste) $15 Jean(True Religion,ed hardy,coogi) $30 Sunglasses(Oakey,coach,gucci,A r m a i n i) $15 New era cap $12 accept paypal or credit card and free shipping ====== ====

  • May 31, 2010 4:28 PM CST

    JLH circa Heartbreakers

    by freekydeeky

    Oh yes.

  • June 1, 2010 9:17 AM CST

    freekydeeky: Oh yesss.

    by VikkiMarsdale

    Looking at that towel picture again, maybe it's just the fake eyelashes that have plagued her through out her career and especially Ghosty Girl's run, but considering her refusal to do nudity and looking at the look in her eyes, I wonder how drunk they had to get her for that photo shoot to get her comfortable enough to pose with a towel?

  • June 6, 2010 1:50 AM CST

    I think she's talking about masturbating.

    by VikkiMarsdale

    Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Happy Being Single, but Is She Still Vajazzling?
    Brett Malec for E! Online

    Jennifer Love Hewitt is OK not having a boyfriend. Really.

    "My love life is just me, and I'm very happy about it," Hewitt, who split from boyfriend Jamie Kennedy in March after about a year of dating, told us earlier today at Kari Feinstein's MTV Movie Awards Style Lounge. "I've not done the single thing very much, as you know, and I'm happy to do it."

    Does that mean she's no longer vajazzling south of the border?

    "I vajazzle more for myself, so I have that secret sparkle that no one knows about," Hewitt teased.

    As for Kathy Griffin's recent foray into decorating her lady parts, J.Love complained, "I'm a little upset that she did not say that it was my idea."

    J.Love also told us she's hard at work on a follow-up book to "The Day I Shot Cupid", her recent self-help guide to finding the right guy. "It's going to be about loving yourself." she explained.

  • June 6, 2010 4:27 PM CST

    Actresses for whom it's way too late

    by VikkiMarsdale

    Actresses for whom it's way too late to try to relaunch interest in their careers by announcing "Okay, I'll do a nude scene/pose for Playboy".
    1. Kirstie Alley
    2. Laura San Giacomo
    3. Melissa Joan Hart
    4. Saharica Jessica Parkipa

    Jennifer Love Hewitt? Maybe not to late, cottage cheese thighs and butt and all... but only IF she flashes the vajazzled vajayjay.

  • June 7, 2010 11:21 AM CST

    It's a known fact

    by VikkiMarsdale

    that actresses who refuse to do topless scenes all have ugly or deformed nipples. JLH has nice boobs, but the right nipple has an eyeball and the left one has fangs.

    Um, that may not be true.
    But Mellisa Joan Hart has four, and they're blue.