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Mark Hamill To Direct...THE BLACK PEARL (Maybe)!? And It's Not A PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Film!!

Merrick here...
The Wrap says Mark Hamill is on his way to directing a feature film about...we're not 100% sure because his partners are waiting 'til Cannes for a formal announcement of the project. However, The Wrap logically extrapolates that said undertaking will be THE BLACK PEARL - based on Hamill's own comic series from Dark Horse (available HERE).
Hamill, 58, told the Comedy Shorts Festival crowd that the project was a tough sell (“Believe me, you don’t want to mention the word satire in a room full of executives”), but that he’d secured a $7 million budget, largely from British backers.
...says The Wrap HERE, in an article which goes on to reveal that Hamill & Co. were actually offered a bigger budget for the film - but Mark wouldn't have been allowed to direct that larger scale project. Wonder if they'll have to re-think their title given that many viewers are likely to quickly confuse this name with PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN?
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