I am – Hercules!!
Last week’s Shephard-centric “Lost” was for me the least of the season so far.
The adventures of 2004 alternaJack and his freshly minted prodigy son were not terrifically compelling. Free of Jacob’s influence, Dogen turned up in Los Angeles doing nothing menacing, just as Ben Linus did the previous week and Ethan Goodspeed the week before that. Maybe we’ll see Keamy on the LAPD this week, giving Sayid a speeding ticket. It feels like we’re getting into the same rut we fell into with the old flashbacks; returning now is the season-three antisness I remember enduring while waiting to get back to the (usually) more interesting stuff going on in the middle of the Pacific.
Jack’s island story felt an awful lot like Sawyer’s the week prior. He ditched the Temple, took a long guided walk across the island and discovered Jacob had been making a list of castaways and checking it twice.
(The start of Jack’s episode-long journey was particularly galling. If Hurley comes to you on that crazy island and asks you to look at something, what kind of maniac decides he’s not interested? Jack would rather just stay planted on his hinder and stare at the temple wall rather than gather more information about his seemingly perilous circumstances?)
I found myself impatient also with the Claire-Jin drama. Emilie DeRavin worked to sell an evil veneer, but her actions seemed not unreasonable given the circumstances. Despite Dogen’s warnings, neither she nor Sayid seem to be up to much real mischief. And Claire’s declaration that she will kill Kate if she finds out Kate took Aaron carries about as much weight with me at the moment as Sawyer’s declaration in 6.1 that he would kill Jack for precipitating Juliet’s demise.
We did learn “someone is coming,” so that at least was a smidgen of progress. Probably. Who’s “out there” and still breathing these days? Charles Widmore and his estranged son-in-law Des? Eloise Hawking? Who else? Someone yet unmet?
ABC says of tonight’s Sayid-centric “Sundown”:
Sayid is faced with a difficult decision, and Claire sends a warning to the temple inhabitants. Guest starring are Kevin Durand as Keamy, Anthony Azizi as Omar/Arabic man, Hiroyuki Sanada as Dogen, John Hawkes as Lennon, Andrea Gabriel as Noor "Nadia" Abed Jaseem, Kimberley Joseph as Cindy, Cas Anvar as Omer, Kailee Velasco as Eva, Aramis Knight as Sam, Peter Stray as doctor, Salvatore Abbadessa as cabbie, David Griffith as screaming Other, Mickey Graue as Zack and Kiersten Havelock as Emma. "Sundown" was written by Paul Zbyszewski & Graham Roland and directed by Bobby Roth.
9 p.m. Tuesday. ABC.

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