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David S. Goyer To probably end up writing SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... So just a while ago I just got off the phone with Thomas Tull at Legendary Pictures who told me that the story that appeared over on LATINO REVIEW just frankly isn't true. Tull has not unilaterally hired Goyer to come in and write the new SUPERMAN. He loves Goyer, but frankly - the project isn't at the Script stage yet. Seems Nolan is still hatching some ideas. But he just wanted me to pass on that they have the highest enthusiasm for this project, but the story on Latino just isn't accurate. I'll see what more I can find out, but as of right now, there really isn't anything else to tell.

Beaks here...

The fine fellas at Latino Review just landed a huge (if not entirely unexpected) scoop: Legendary Pictures has hired David S. Goyer to write the screenplay for THE MAN OF STEEL. The minute I heard Nolan was "godfathering" this project, I figured he'd entrust this reboot to his story-spinning partner on the last three Batman movies. And here we are! Interestingly, Latino Review's source doesn't mention Nolan once. He credits Legendary head Thomas Tull with bringing on Goyer to craft a fun, John Byrne-esque script that will apparently have no ties to the Christopher Reeve pictures or Bryan Singer's attempted continuation of them (so no Brandon Routh). Fine by me. He also says the film will (blessedly) not be an origin story, and will involve Lex Luthor and Brainiac (commence freaking out about villain overkill... now!). It will also reflect contemporary society - i.e. The Daily Planet it taking in the shorts like every other daily newspaper in the world. Head to Latino Review for the full scoop.

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