Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. In the last post I made about a series of Mondo posters I made reference to a few super sweet designs that I had seen and would hopefully be able to share with you. Well, that became a reality when Universal approached us to debut their officially licensed posters for Wolfman and the original Lon Chaney Jr. The Wolf Man (my favorite). Check them out (click for super large versions):
First up is Daniel Danger's poster for the new one, THE WOLFMAN (without a space):

Next is Martin Ansin's for the classic THE WOLF MAN (with space):

Both will be put on sale at Mondo's site tomorrow mid-morning and are limited pieces. There are 350 prints of The Wolfman by Daniel Danger and 250 of the vintage Wolf Man by Martin Ansin... and there will be a limited glow in the dark variant printing of 75 pieces of Ansin's work, too. GLOW IN THE DARK LON CHANEY JR.! Yes, please.
All purchase and price details will be found at Mondo's site tomorrow morning, February 4th.
I, for one, love this trend and applaud Universal for licensing these posters as a promotional move for their redo of WOLFMAN, which opens February 12th. The official movie website can be accessed here.
I hope we see a ton of geek art associated with cool flicks. I especially love the vintage classic monster stuff. More, please!
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