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The Director Of HIGHLANDER Brings You...TEEN WOLF!?

Merrick here...
ShockTillYouDrop has the word on who'll direct the new TEEN WOLF project.
Shock Till You Drop has learned and can confirm Russell Mulcahy (Resident Evil: Extinction) is at the helm.
...says the site HERE. Before RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION, Mulcahy's expansive career included episodes of TV series like QUEER AS FOLK and TALES FROM THE CRYPT, videos for artists like Duran Duran and Billy Joel, the surprisingly effective remake of ON THE BEACH, and the first two HIGHLANDER films. If you've never seen Russell's "Special Edition" of HIGHLANDER 2 (available HERE)'s...well...not particularly good because you can't save a film that was as tragically ill-conceived as that one. However, the SE includes a re-edit, augmented FX, etc. You probably won't suddenly discover a new love for HIGHLANDER 2, but it helps soften the gnarly aftertaste you may've originally experienced after seeing the movie in its theatrical form.
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