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This is pretty darn cool... What is the next Tim Burton Fairy Tale Twist for Disney?

Hey folks, Harry here with the coolest whisper I've heard in a while. I was chatting to a fella I know tonight, and this person heard that Tim Burton is developing another classic Disney fairy tale in a quasi Live Actiony kinda way. It seems that Tim has a hankering for SLEEPING BEAUTY... but not really... You see, he's going to tell the story from Maleficent's point of view. In fact, it'll be called MALEFICENT. She was always the most interesting character in that story, but we never knew why she hated those three little fairy wenches... or what indignity she suffered at the hands of Aurora's parents. Yeah, I'm on board... if only it ends with Maleficent with a sword in her heart in dragon form. Cuz that'll rule. Think about how long this plotline was carried out over. She has quite a tale to tell. Let's see where it pops up in Burton's filmography. We're hearing that DARK SHADOWS is stumbling a bit... Let's see what Tim does next, he has some interesting choices before him.

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