Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. While doing my own spy business in NoLa (just took a rather frightening trip down Bourbon St, actually... The tip top of the creepy was a homeless dude showing off his Quato-like stomach tumor) I received this communinque from Mr. Bruce Campbell regarding his 2010 plans. This is the first time he's broken his cover and he did it for you, the fans, so I hope you appreciate the danger he's put himself in!
Here's the man himself:
Hello everyone. Bruce Campbell here. This urgent message is short, because my keystrokes are monitored and I fear for my life. My partner at Dark Horse comics, Mike Richardson (normally a very rational and talented man), threatened to have his foot soldiers "crush my spleen" if I did what I am about to do. But the fans deserve to know, so with great trepidation I officially announce Bruce Vs. Frankenstein, the sequel to My Name is Bruce. Principal photography begins this fall in Oregon. I'd like to live long enough to see the cameras roll, so please, for the love of God, do not tell anyone - I can't risk this announcement getting back to Mike! Thank you.
There you have it. I know I'd love to see Bruce step back into the Blue Suede Shoes and kick some vampire ass in Bubba Nosferatu, but I guess anything Bruce does is good news, yeah?
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