I am – Hercules!!
Previously. On Coaxial:
My guess is Sarah Palin is quitting Alaska because Fox News wants to put her to work – presumably bitching about how slowly the new president is digging us out of this incredible hole we’re all in – while her 45-year-old kisser is a bit more camera-friendly.
That was July 3 of last year, the day Palin announced she would be quitting as Alaska’s governor after two and half years in the job.
Talkbacker “loserguy3000” posted later that day:
So when Palin DOESN'T go to Fox News Herc, will you apologize? Say you were wrong in a front-page apology post? You know, to keep us updated?
Here’s the update. Fox News announced Monday that Palin had signed a “multi-year” deal to serve as a contributor for the channel.
The "multi-year" part is terrible news, of course, for the Democrats hoping Palin could top the Republican presidential ticket in 2012.
Was she the Republicans’ best hope for retaking the White House in 2012? Many in line at her recent book signings were quick to answer in the affirmative.
Is she a good fit with the likes of Brit Hume, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity? Leaving aside for the moment Joe The Plumber, I can think of none better.
Palin was the star of a jaw-dropping “60 Minutes” segment last night. Kindly have a gander:
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