Hey folks, Harry here - here's the update on Dan O'Bannon. It seems that he was finally brought down by a battle he'd been waging with Crohn's Disease since before ALIEN. Complications brought about the worst, and now he's gone. The silver lining, if there is one to be found in these dark times, is from his wife, Diane. Here's the letter I received from David Fein, updating us all.
Hi Harry... Thanks for the prompt post, the outpouring of love and respect is getting back to the family. I know I only had a few minutes last night, so here's a little more information. Dan died at 6 PM last night of complications from his 33 year fight with Crohn’s Disease (Giger's Agent and friend of the O'Bannon family, Les Barany speculated that his stomach disease might have been an inspiration for the chestburster). Dan put up a great fight all of these years and is finally at peace. His wife Diane has stated that she has plans to publish much of his unpublished work, and soon we'll all get a chance to appreciate more of his creativity in his absence. Thanks again for helping to get the word out. David