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BNAT1138: The Fake List!!!

Hey folks, Harry here - back from the BNAT1138 pre-party where I met so many amazing people - that told me stories about their travels, their expectations and hopes... how AICN somehow helped them find a direction. That kinda blows my mind, because most of the time... the different people behind the site and myself... we're just out to have fun and share that fun with you. But when you meet people that aren't rich, aren't NAMES, but have that drive - and somehow something you wrote actually connected. That's amazing. So BNATTERS - you rule - and I know everyone that applied that didn't get in... well, you guys and gals rule too. There's just so many seats. Speaking of - there will be Standby spots available - and possibly more than we've ever had before. We've had a quite a few people drop out due mainly to financial unforeseen tough times... a few cases of SWINE FLU (I shit you not) and just bad luck. For each of you that get in - that was somebody's dream that they've handed to you. And I know if you get down to the Drafthouse South at 10am, get a ticket and get chosen. That's your dream, and I hope dearly it comes true. NOW - for the crazy tradition I started of creating alternate film schedules that perhaps somehow tie in to what is playing. SO. Here we go - I'll say there are 12 FEATURES in total. Some that are screening for the very first time. Some that have screened selectively. And then some that haven't screened in decades. 6 new... 6 old.... ...and I could be trying to trick you. 1. Brian DePalma's PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE 2. Levin & Maiuri's SE TUTTE LE DONNE DEL MONDO 3. Irving Pichel's QUICKSAND 4. Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 5. Franklin Schaffner's PAPILLON 6. Stanley Kubrick's THE SHINING 7. Steven Kastrissios' THE HORSEMAN 8. Alfred Hitchcock's LIFEBOAT 9. Jacopetti & Prosperi's ADDIO ZIO TOM 10. Peter Jackson's LOVELY BONES 11. Michael Winner's DEATH WISH 12. Henri-Georges Clouzot's LE SALAIRE DE LA PEUR Now - remember... these ARE NOT the films playing. Sometimes, it is a fairly radical shift, but it makes sense in my mind. And as y'all are so fond of telling me.... I am insane. So, wherever you are this weekend. Call your friends, find a couple of these films and have a big movie orgy weekend. Mix in titles you know and would like to share with your friends - and if you do do that... write a talkback telling what you're watching, and how long you kept it up until you wimped out. And if you didn't wimp out, maybe you have what it takes to enjoy BUTT-NUMB-A-THON 12 - and if so - I hope to see your application next year. Remember - BNAT1138 starts at 11am on the dot, NOT noon. There's no electronic devices allowed of any kind this side of a pacemaker... and even then... heh. This is done for a couple of reasons. There are films playing MONTHS & MONTHS & MONTHS ahead of time. There's even films that are not quite done, but are showing because the filmmakers & folks behind the film know they have got to get the word out there, but not the whole film quite yet. BUT for me. The real reason is this... BNAT is an experience outside of our normal existence. The excitement you feel isn't to share instantly with the known world, but to share with your fellow BNATTERS. Want to tell someone how you felt - do it in person. No batteries required. It is exceptionally GREEN of you, me, all of us. When BNAT is over... WRITE to your heart's delight. Tell the world just what the experience was like. I hope several of you attending share your thoughts with our readers at AICN, but also... the rest of the internet. It is an experience unlike anything other than a previous BNAT can give you - and this is a fucking great year. Let me tell you. So without further hubbub, I'm hitting the sack. Dozing. And I will see you good folks at the Theater bright and early. Sweet Dreams!

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