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Robert Duvall's latest project THE CUP

Hey folks, Harry here. Here's a bit of a cool report from the set of Robert Duvall's latest movie, THE CUP which is shooting in Scotland apparently. Any serious filmlovers just love Duvall's work on account of the fact that he just about rules the screen every second that he is upon it. But... that's a whole other story to get into. But for now, let's let ol Hibby fill us on in on the project and his day on set....

HI Harry call me Hibby

Robert Duvall has caused a stir in Scotland recently with "The Cup" a tale of a small football (soccer)team called Kilnockie(Fictional team).

The Scottish press have had a wide coverage of this film as it stars a celebrity footballer by the name of Ally Mcoist. Ally has more or less finished his football career which he played for Glasgow Rangers(striker) and Scotland and what a career(popular guy won loads of medals and accolades).

Well Yesterday i got a chance of tickets to be extra!!!!

well i arrived at Hampden Scotlands national ground were Cup Finals are played(The ground has been closed for about 3 or years for redevelopement ).So its strange to see Hampden completed and the first game is for duvall 's project The Cup the match final Kilnockie vs Glasgow Rangers.The other strange thing was the tickets as they was sponsered by Beer makers Tennents and Telecom giants British Telecom.

23,000 thousand people turned up for entertaining day.

The game started and so did the filming process.

First notable thing was the cap wearing duvall (kilnockie team manager) shouting directions to players.

i also noticed that the Glasgow rangers team were not rangers players and tha kilnockie had 3 professional playing for them .


The first halve rangers scored 6 goals which only lasted 15 minutes this was oblivously part of the natural filming process as the team swopped around for the second half the score board read 1-0 to rangers. as the second half begone Ally mcoist came on as a subistute.The second half lasted 30 minutes as the plot demands that ally moist(our hero saves the day stuff) scores the equaliser so it ended up a choreographed setup goal(third time) that was put in the can. so at the score at 1-1 the game go's into penalties

big spoiler

Well about 20 penatly kicks were taken.

This was a good day out as i expalined to my son who robert duvall was(i finally got through when i told him he was in Deep Impact)

This was funny for me as it mixed my favourite things football and films as my biggest hate is soccer movies ass they have all sucked. i got the feeling this film is Rocky for the football world.

here is some more info on the film.

Duvall, whose acting credits include films such as ``The Godfather'' and ``Apocalypse Now,'' now wants to fill Scotland's Hampden national stadium to recreate an authentic atmosphere for filming on September 5.

Fans won't see an actual match, just a few well-rehearsed shots and tackles captured on film.

The movie tracks the fortunes of Kilnockie, a fictitious small-town team managed by Duvall that somehow makes it to the final of the Scottish Cup.

While films about soccer have rarely scored at the box office, Duvall is hoping a star-studded line-up and genuine action by players like McCoist, along with a slew of real footballers from small Scottish teams, can deliver.

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson, the Scottish manager of England's highly successful side, and Glasgow-born comedian Billy Connolly have both agreed to play cameo roles.

McCoist, an ex-Glasgow Rangers star who still plays Scottish soccer with Kilmarnock, portrays Duvall's estranged son-in-law Jackie McQuillan, a washed-up former star for Glasgow Celtic(so funny as he used to play for rangers who absolutey hate celtic like canada and usa!) who sings on to Kilnockie to rescue a flagging career.

Baldwin, star of ``The Hunt for Red October,'' plays a U.S. millionaire who buys the ailing Scottish club as his latest toy.

``This is one of the most exciting projects in my experience. It's a great challenge,'' Duvall, who won the 1983 best actor Oscar award for ``Tender Mercies,'' told the Glasgow Herald.

Duvall said he has wanted to play the role for the past six years and had been working on his Scottish accent.

He has already filmed several smaller crowd scenes with up to 8,000 fans in different grounds across Scotland.

As for McCoist, Duvall said his talent on the pitch was matched by his presence on the screen.

``We hired McCoist on the blind instinct that he was right for the part, and he's going great,'' Duvall said.

Duvall has set up a telephone hotline in Britain for fans to call to get tickets for the filming (sold out in 30 minutes)


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