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Movie News

LORD OF THE RINGS misc. casting

Hey there folks, Harry here with a couple bits of casting news/rumor. The first comes from TheOneRing.Net and RingBearer.Org and says that Liv Tyler has been cast in LORD OF THE RINGS. In addition I've had people that have heard from Deluca that she is set to play Arwen.

The second bit is this. 3 additional actors have been signed and sealed to play in THE LORD OF THE RINGS. These 3 actors' names have never been mentioned in association with LORD OF THE RINGS and they are in. I do not know what roles or what actors.... BUT IF YOU DO KNOW.... LET US KNOW!!! I'm dying to find out who these three may be... I have asked Peter and Deluca about these 3 and... have yet to hear back. Though I did get confirmation that this has happened. In fact here are the exact words:

We've STILL got 3 confirmed, signed, major roles cast that have not had a whisper on the net. These actors have NEVER been mentioned - and they're IN the movies! You guys are dropping the ball!

Do you hear that folks... Jackson is saying that all of you and me are dropping the ball. It's a direct slap to the face with a gauntlet of steel. He tasks us, and we must have him... We must find out.

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