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Will DARK HORSE adopt "Buckaroo Banzai" '''

Glen here...

...with a bit of rather self-explanatory news concerning current efforts to revive the Buckaroo Banzai franchise.

Regular readers of COAXIAL are keenly aware of W.D. Richter and Earl MacRauch's efforts to resurrect the Buckaroo mythos in the form of a TV series at FOX. The following information...sent in by my friend and pseudo-source FAMOUS AMOS (no, it's not the Famous Amos)...suggests that not only is a TV series in the works, but substantially more coolness may be afoot. Here is Famous Amos' message:


Famous Amos wrote:

Pocket Books (publisher of the Star Trek novels) is considering a series of Buckaroo Banzai novels to be written by Earl Mac Rauch, who wrote the original movie screenplay.

The first in the series (called The Banzai Chronicles) would be a new edition of the original Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension.

Further volumes in the series, tentatively entitled The Lizardo Quintet, would detail the exploits of the esteemed Dr. Banzai in his struggles against the notorious Emilio Lizardo, and the 600-year-old master criminal Hanoi Xan.

Earl Mac Rauch also wrote (with W.D. Richter) the pilot screenplay for Buckaroo Banzai: Ancient Secrets and New Mysteries, a series currently in development at FOX.

Also, W.D. Richter and Earl Mac Rauch are said to be in "preliminary" discussions with Dark Horse Comics over a possible Banzai product line.

Rumor has it Dark Horse is interested in much more than just a Banzai comic, that they may want to do novels and "quite a lot more."

A lot would seem to depend on what does - or doesn't - happen with the Fox pilot, but Dark Horse is evidently interested in developing Banzai projects even if Fox passes.

- Famous Amos says "bye"!


Glen again...

If Amos' scenario plays out to its full potential, Buckaroo may soon be taking gigantic strides towards assuming a (much deserved) position of greater visibility in America's oh-so-fickle pop culture.

I've always very much believed that one of the most important keys to resurrecting the franchise (and perpetuating the mythos) was to approach these personalities...and their adventures...on a cross-platform basis. Comics, toys, videos, music, books, CD-ROMS, and movies or TV. From what I am told, it appears Dark Horse might be headed this direction should everything pan out properly. I could go on and on about why I think this approach is so critical, but I'm actually rather hungry at the moment.

All things being equal, methinks Dark Horse has the muscle and franchising experience to make big things happen for Team Banzai in very short order. I, for one, am keeping my fingers crossed on this one...

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