The rights to the Terminator franchise are up for sale yet again. Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek, who acquired the science-fiction franchise in 2007 for $25 million and produced this year's sequel "Terminator Salvation," are now looking to sell them partially or outright as several companies owned by the duo work their way through bankruptcy. Anderson and Kubicek's Halcyon Holding Group has engaged financial advisory firm FTI Capital Advisors, pending bankruptcy court approval, to "evaluate strategic alternatives," according to a statement. Since Halcyon's only valuable asset is the Terminator rights, any deal would involve an investment in, or outright sale, of them. "We're going to be contacting a variety of studios and independent companies," said Kevin Shultz, senior managing director at FTI. "We think the values are considerably in excess of the purchase price."...says The Los Angeles Times HERE. Since before SALVATION's release, McG's been talking about a TERMINATOR 5 that would spill the franchise's future war into our time (indications were the film would be set in London). While TERMINATOR's rights changing hands doesn't automatically/completely short-out that potentiality, 'tis a safe bet new rights holders would wish to dispose of such notions & build further TERMINATOR projects from the ground up.