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The Writers Behind TV’s THE DEAD ZONE Team Plot A New Series Based On Stephen King Novella THE COLORADO KID!!

I am – Hercules!!
Five writers who worked on USA’s “The Dead Zone” -- Scott Shepherd, Lloyd Segan, Shawn Piller, Sam Ernst and Jim Dunn – are working on a new series based on the 2005 Stephen King novella “The Colorado Kid.” Variety has the project’s title and premise:
Titled "Haven," the project centers on a spooky town in Maine where cursed folk live normal lives in exile. When those curses start returning, FBI agent Audrey Parker is brought in to keep those supernatural forces at bay -- while trying to unravel the mysteries of Haven.
Independent studio E1 is trying to mount the series as an international co-production on the model of “Defying Gravity,” which aired on channels in Germany and Canada in addition to ABC. No American channel has yet been lined up for “Haven.” Find all of Variety’s story on the matter here.
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