I am – Hercules!!
Over photos of a Saturday "anti-tax" rally in Washington, a new Fox News ad asks: "How Did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN Miss This Story?"
The ad -- placed by the News Corp.-owned channel in the Washington Post as well as the News Corp.-owned Wall Street Journal and New York Post -- features the tagline: “We cover all the news.”
From the Associated Press:
Fox's taunt drew immediate reaction from the other networks, all of whom quickly offered up descriptions, transcripts of news reports and video proof of their rally coverage. Some denounced Fox for falsehoods.
From the Washington Post:
ABC spokesman Jeffrey Schneider described the ad as "outrageous and false." NBC spokeswoman Lauren Kapp said that "the facts . . . prove it wrong." CNN spokeswoman Edie Emery called the ad "blatantly false."
Michael Tammero, vice president of marketing for Fox News, defended the ad in an email:
"Generally speaking, it's fair to say that from the tea party movement ... to Acorn ... to the march on 9/12, the networks either ignored the story, marginalized it or misrepresented the significance of it altogether."
CNN’s Rick Sanchez expressed his outrage on the air:
I’d encourage anyone with an interest in this story to have a look here at “OutFoxed,” an astonishing 2004 documentary which examines how News Corp.-owned media outlets go about their newsgathering. It should be seen by anyone who’s ever watched a News Corp.-owned channel or read a News Corp.-owned publication:
Remember also it was News Corp.’s The Sun that on Aug. 26 printed the lie that Megan Fox “has signed” to play Catwoman in Christopher Nolan’s next “Batman” movie. The actress’ publicist and several Warner Bros. executives confirmed within hours of story’s publication that no discussions between Megan Fox and Nolan or the Batman producers had taken place. By all accounts Nolan has not yet written a script for any sequel to “The Dark Knight,” and the director has not yet indicated whether Catwoman would be a character in the next film.

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