Ain't It Cool News (

UK Readers!! Would You Like To Win An OUTLANDER Blu-Ray??

Merrick here...
...with a mini-contest for our UK readers.
Howard McCain's vastly underappreciated OUTLANDER hits Blu-Rays in UK next week, and we have 1 (ONE) copy we'd like to give to a UK reader. All you have to do is:
** E-mail me VIA THE ADDRESS LINKED BELOW with your name and address. ** Your name/address are being used to expedite shipment only - no mailing lists, spams, etc. Your name/address will be summarily deleted once the contest concludes. ** You have between now and 10am CST USA on Friday August 28th 2009 to e-mail me. ** I've pre-selected 1 (ONE) time of day between now and 10am CST USA on Friday August 28th 2009. Whoever e-mails me at, or closest to, said pre-selected time will receive 1 (ONE) copy of the OUTLANDER Blu-Ray. ** You may enter up to ten times per day, each day of the contest. ** Be sure to write from an e-mail address that you're currently using/checking frequently. If we can't reach you, we may end up awarding your Blu-Ray to the next reachable contestant. ** Let us know if it is NOT OK to print your name/hometown on AICN should you win. Otherwise, we will assume it's OK to print your first and last name here, as well as hometown, in a contest closure announcement. ** CONTEST OPEN TO UK RESIDENTS ONLY
The film's pretty damn cool. You can find some "Making of..." reels HERE, and previous coverage of the title (with images) HERE. The Blu-Ray's product details:
Running Time: 110 minutes approximately Price: Blu-ray: £24.99 / DVD: £17.99 RRP Catalogue No: Blu-ray: MP755BR / DVD: MP755D Special Features: Making of Outlander featurette Audio Commentary Deleted Scenes Visual Effects Tests Animatics Artwork Galleries Trailer
You can find more details about the product HERE. Good luck! Have fun!


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