My notes from Comic Con's Friday “Battlestar Galactica: The Plan”/”Caprica” panel, starring Ronald D. Moore, Jane Espenson, David Eick, Edward Janes Olmos, Esai Morales and Grace Park, for those who can’t yet afford Twitter:
Now in the rear of Ballroom 20 for the Caprica/BSG The Plan panel. Couldn't get on Twitter during the Stargate Universe panel.
The two Adamas, Olmos and Morales, are seated together -- maybe for the first time??
No, the two Adamas previously played father & son (Olmos the father that time) in “Mi Familia.”
Gimme Shelter used for The Plan trailer, which looks epic. Goosebumps!
Morales not a pre-existing BSG fan.
Espenson describes the PLAN script, sp rooted in BSG continuity, as a Rubic's Cube.
Not one of the many naked breasts in th CAPRICA pilot will not be seen on Syfy, says Ron Moore.
Espenson went through lots of old scripts to write The Plan -- faster, she says, than watching old episodes.
Moore calls the show's Emmy snubs "criminal.”
The moderator has seen THE PLAN and said Espenaon loaded it with dark comedy.
Jan 22 2010 is the premiere date of CAPRICA.
Olmos predicts more BSG movies after THE PLAN.
Espenson says an upcoming episode is set on Scopion.
The language of Tauron is ancient Greek
Moore says he's doing a commentary for VIRTUALITY whether they put it on a DVD or not.
espenson says BUFFY fans will enjoy the angry teenage robot girl, if nothing else.
morales says he was fearful of a more Olmos-like actor auditioning for Joe Adama.