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Jonah Hill And Robert De Niro To Fuck With The Wrong Mexican In Rodriguez' MACHETE??

I am – Hercules!!

Bloody Disgusting apparently has a spy embedded with the Robert Rodriguez organization who now offers exciting news of big-deal supporting players joining the filmmaker’s “Machete,” due to start shooting in less than two weeks:
-MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ ("Lost", Fast & Furious, Avatar) is said to be playing "Luz". -JONAH HILL, the comedian who has starred in such films as Superbad and the forthcoming Adam Sandler comedy Funny People, will play "Julio". -Lastly, a legend of our time, ROBERT DE NIRO, will take on the role of "Senator McLaughlin".
Is it wrong to be more excited about the casting of Hill (hilarious in Judd Apatow's “Funny People,” due in two weeks!) than that of De Niro? Danny Trejo's title character was introduced in the "Spy Kids" series, then emigrated to the wondrous fake trailer (above) that served as a component of "Grindhouse." Read all of Bloody Disgusting’s story on the matter here.
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