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THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE trailer is out!

Hey folks, Harry here in Vegas at CineVegas! 3rd day of film and haven't seen anything over than IN THE LOOP and a second showing of THE SQUARE that really blew my skirt up. But I'm still cracking away at it - trying to find some jewels to recommend to ya. Meanwhile, I'm taking a break before a late screening - and decided to see what Trailers have hit that interest me. Well - the main one is for THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE. Now I've already seen some folks that immediately dismissed this film, but ya know - romance and time travel hold hands... from George Pal's TIME MACHINE to Christopher Reeve and Dr Quinn in SOMEWHERE IN TIME to my personal favorite, TIME AFTER TIME. Now we have Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams in a linear love (for her), I think, and Bana is caught in some sort of Time Travel hiccup that has him appearing in places and times in her life. I like it. But then, I'm a girl about stories like this - whereas my Best friend saw the trailer and said, "There's a movie I'll never see! I want to see Eric Bana turn green and kill shit!" Sigh. RoRo aside, I think there's a good many of you that will be as intrigued as I am by this trailer, which is in Glorious Quicktime Here!!! Enjoy!

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