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Check out these Exclusive stills from ZOMBIELAND starring Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I had the chance to talk with ZOMBIELAND's director Ruben Fleischer yesterday (look for that to hit this weekend) and he talks the talk. Horror comedies are incredibly hard to pull off... Too many go way too hard into the comedy world and lose their way. I think Fleischer has assembled a great cast to throw into a post-apocalyptic zombie infested world. You not only have those listed in the headline, but also the lovely Amber Heard and the rumored undead-appearance of one Mr. Bill Murray. We have a few exclusive images from the flick which gives us our first look (that I'm aware of) of Woody Harrelson as the zombie-killing badass, Jesse Eisenberg as the... well Jesse Eisenbergian neurotic and the lovely Emma Stone, complete with shotgun. Oh, yeah... and some dead things. Click for the super high-res versions of each image.

-Quint Follow Me On Twitter

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