Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. It's that time of year again and our always reliable Pitdoc is sneaking around the Licensing Show snapping up pictures. They've moved from NY to Las Vegas this year, I'm told, but that didn't dissuade him, no sirree bob.
The big stuff so far is Avengers and Scott Pilgrim. Really sweet, if I do say so myself. This is the first of a few reports featuring Pitdoc's sneaky work! Enjoy!
Hi guys, Pitdoc here, once again from the Licensing Show .This year ,they moved the whole thing to Vegas, and I thought I'd take a trip to look at posters and lose money. Anyway, a few posters that I'm not sure are out there yet; specifically , for some Dreamworks movies, as well as SCOTT PILGRIM ( the poster was 20 feet tall!).

Awesome work, Pitdoc. Thanks for the heads up! I look forward to seeing what else you snap up for us!
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