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Steven Soderbergh Gives Us A Taste Of THE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE!

Beaks here...

When Steven Soderbergh cast adult-film star Sasha Grey as a high-class prostitute in THE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE, there was a notion that the Academy Award-winning director might incorporate some actual bouncy-bouncy in his study of purchased intimacy - because it's always hot when a top-tier filmmaker shoots people a-pumpin' and a-sweatin' for real. But Soderbergh, who's never been much for sensationalism (for the most recent example, see CHE), went in a completely different direction, opting for a cerebral examination of simulated romance. Soderbergh's refusal to get emotionally engaged with his material can be frustrating, but his clinical approach feels appropriate here. And the trailer, which just debuted at Hulu, definitely promises that classic Soderbergh distance. You should know by now if his aesthetic is to your liking.
For more on THE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE, head over to Hulu and check out their exclusive Q&A with Soderbergh (you'll find it under the "Discussions" tab). For those of you who want no part of this, Hulu's got just the thing.

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