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Fred Dekker speaks out about that NIGHT OF THE CREEPS DVD and... Blu-Ray?

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with an update on that NIGHT OF THE CREEPS DVD news that broke from an interview at I've gotten word from director Fred Dekker on what's going on. Yes, it's a reality. Yes, it's a special edition, much akin to what Michael Felsher and Dekker put together with the Monster Squad release, with at least one, but potentially two commentary tracks, deleted scenes and a doc on the making of the movie. That's all to be expected, but he said they are currently considering a Blu-Ray release as well. Dekker said the transfer is amazing, better than the Monster Squad transfer (he said that was due to shooting MS in anamorphic, which softens the focus)... and the big question from the fans about this director's cut ending vs. the theatrical ending... I'll let Fred speak for himself:
Most exciting for me is that they've given me the thumbs-up to put the original ending back onto the body of the theatrical feature. The compromised "Zombie Dog" ending will be on the disc as an "added value" extra, but the feature will end as it was originally meant to. (The TV version, which features the original ending, has many of its own compromises being that it was the TV version). In other words, this will be the first time the movie will be seen as it was originally intended.
Like I said previously, I love this film and this is great news, especially that there's a good possibility we'll be seeing a Blu-Ray release. There's the update from the main man! October seems a long way away, doesn't it? -Quint Follow me on Twitter

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