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Seen the latest STAR TREK TV Spot? How much energy would it take to do that last thing - and how many Harrys would it take?

Hey folks, Harry here... I don't know about you - but I've begun to get really excited about this here STAR TREK movie thing that JJ Abrams is trying. Paramount sent me an Enterprise to paint - and then send off into the world on some tour of Enterprises that have been painted by people way better than me. But I suppose I am some sort of outreach special ed type of thing... I'm trying. But then this latest STAR TREK tv spot got uploaded in Glorious 1080p Quicktime - and I find myself stepping through the trailer really admiring the scale and size of the imagery... until I get to the end shot of that trailer which seems to have an off screen explosion - blowing the fuck all out of an inhabited planet. Not clean beam style, like what I've seen from the Romulan planet killer device either, but something going boom and the blast wave destroying a planet in its wake. Well... call me a nerd, but I had to call my astrophysicist buddy, Copernicus - who is a professor of big shit blowing up. He's given lectures at the Vatican and all over the planet on Cosmic Space stuff that my noodle just barely grasps - but in the spirit of reality - I sent him the link to the trailer below - and I asked what sort of energy it would take to destroy an Earth like planet like that and he responded
It would take about 400 nonillion (10^30) joules to destroy Earth
I then asked for human translation... as you often have to do with these Braniacs...
that is 10^39 ergs -- a nova can release about 10^45 ergs, so if the solid angle subtended by the planet was greater than 1 in a million, and the energy was distributed isotropically, then a nova could do it. It is unclear though -- it depends on the properties of the nova and the planet though. A supernova could for sure. Now, how much mass would you have to convert into energy to make that happen? 10^24 kg, or very roughly 10 sextillion Harrys oops, hold on, made a mistake in that last calculation doing this in my head, because I don't have any paper in front of me 4x10^15 kg only ~20 trillion Harrys
So there you go - to destroy that planet you'd have to about 20 Trillion of Me to convert into 400 nonillion Joules... which would obliterate Earth. SO at least I know that I could contribute in some small way to the destruction of Earth if my energy was maximized with a shitload of Harry clones. Of course - Copernicus number use of me as the destructor of mankind... I think... if you saw 20 Trillion of me coming towards Earth - it'd be a lot more frightening than Romulans... right? Anyway - Here's the latest TV spot in massive beauty. Enjoy!

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