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@@@@ steverodgers reports from Webcomic Weekend! @@@ Spinner Rack Previews: INCREDIBLE HERCULES! WHEEL OF TIME! ELEKTRA! SECRET IDENTITIES! & MIGHTY AVENGERS! @@@@


Well, AICN COMICS: SHOOT THE MESSENGER is your weekly one stop shop for comic book -EWS. What’s comic book –EWS? Well, it’s our hodge podge of everything not reviews here at AICN Comics. Sure you can find out the @$$Holes’ critical opinions of your favorite books every Wednesday at AICN Comics. But here, you’ll find special reports such as previews, interviews, special features, and occasionally news gathered here from our online brethren at Newsarama, CBR, Wizard, etc. Sure those guys are the best at reporting news as it breaks. Click on the links for the original stories. This column cuts the crap to run down all the vital information for those of you who don’t follow it as it comes in, and serves it all up with that special ingredient of @$$y goodness.

Howdy folks, Ambush Bug here with a Special @$$Holes Abroad feature. We’ve got a short report on the Webcomics Weekend in Easthampton, MA which was held this weekend. Our very own steverodgers was able to attend. Take it away steve…

This weekend I had the pleasure of checking out the New England Webcomics Weekend, a convention focused on webcomics, located in the sublimely trendy converted warehouse Eastworks building in Easthampton, MA. This was the first year for the event, which brought together webcomics veterans, newcomers and fans—over 500 people through the door on Saturday alone—to show off their stuff and get a look at the men and women behind the comics. I am not someone who generally reads webcomics, so this convention was a great way to be educated on the medium and see first-hand the enthusiasm of the fans and the talent of all the creators. It was particularly nice to see so many printed versions of the web work in pamphlets and books, which acted as a gateway drug to get me to the sites.
Beyond an opportunity to meet the creators, there was a pub crawl (which would be a great addition to any comic convention) in sister Northampton, panels on webcomics, screenings, gaming, and a charity auction. Just some of the work that jumped out at me was OCTOPUS PIE by Meredith Gran (also the organizer of the event), SHORT PACKED by David Willis, LEAST I COULD DO by Ryan Sohmerand and Lar Desouza, and finally DIESEL SWEETIES by R Stevens.
Although the event is free, registration for the event “sold out” before the weekend, so be sure to register next year, or else you will be disappointed. I encourage you to visit the convention’s website and visit all the webcomics sites in attendance, as there was something for everyone. I was truly amazed at all the comic talent that exists out there, waiting to be found on the web and, for one spring weekend, in Easthampton, MA.

Welcome to another whirl on the Spinner Rack into the Future. This week we’ve got a handful of Marvel books to share, a youtube preview, plus a sneak peek at a new fantasy epic from Dabel Brothers. Let’s jump right into it.
First we’ve got a preview to one Marvel’s Little Series That Could, THE INCREDIBLE HERCULES. Two years ago, if you would have said that one of my favorite comics from Marvel would feature a bratty know-it-all kid and a boisterous Greek God I would have scoffed, but the people behind this book, month after month, do Marvel comics right. Check out what I mean in this preview from issue #127.

THE INCREDIBLE HERC #127 graces the shelves with its godly presence on Wednesday.

Dabel Brothers brings us a fantasy epic adaptation that looks to be making it to the big screen very soon from Universal Pictures. The book is called WHEEL OF TIME and the first series is called EYE OF THE WORLD. Here’s a sneak peek at issue #0 from artist Chase Conley and adapted by Chuck Dixon. Check it out.

WHEEL OF TIME: EYE OF THE WORLD – DRAGONMOUNT #0 will be in stores April 29th.

This miniseries interests me. Marvel has tried numerous attempts to bring back Elektra, but they just haven’t gotten it right since Frank Miller did it all those years ago. But I really like Zeb Wells’ writing and from this preview, it looks like it’s a book I’m going to be checking out. Here’s a preview to issue #1 of DARK REIGN: ELEKTRA.

You sai you ain’t buyin’ ELEKTRA? Sai it ain’t so. I sai you should buy DARKREIGN: ELEKTRA #1 this Wednesday.

The next is a motion comic preview trailer for SECRET IDENTITIES: THE ASIAN AMERICAN SUPER HERO ANTHOLOGY; specifically it’s a preview for Greg Pak and Bernard Chang’s THE CITIZEN story that’ll be in the book. This story highlights Asian American super heroes, done by Asian American creators. Check out this link to THE CITIZEN. And look for more stuff from SECRET IDENTITIES: THE ASIAN AMERICAN SUPER HERO is hereand here.

I love Dan Slott’s MIGHTY AVENGERS. It reminds me of the Avengers I grew up with, told with modern craft. We’re in the middle of a “team-coming-together-to-face-a-menace-greater-than-one-hero” story. Let’s catch up with Slott’s Avengers with issue #23.

A mighty fine preview. THE MIGHTY AVENGERS #23 will be available Wednesday.

Editing, compiling, imaging, coding, logos & cat-wrangling by Ambush Bug Proofs, co-edits & common sense provided by Sleazy G

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