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50 Cent is out! Who is in THE EXPENDABLES? Stallone says...

Hey folks, Harry here... It is Saturday, the second SXSW Saturday of the year - and yes, I'm about to head out to see more movies. It has been a wonderful, yet taxing week of cinema. But throughout this week - there's been the update on the casting of HALE CAESAR. For quite some time, the role belonged to Forest Whitaker, but a push in the schedule made it impossible for the Ghost Dog to continue with the film. Then I received a call, informing me that rapper, 50 CENT aka Curtis Jackson, had stepped into the role. Then Sly sent me an email regarding that casting, that I updated the story with. Well... today, I get woke up with a very enthusiastic call from Stallone, who has recast the role of Hale Caesar for a final (hopefully) time. So... who is Hale Caesar? First off - he's 6'2 & a half" and BIG. He's a former San Diego Charger. He made his screen debut with Arnold Schwarzeneggar in THE 6TH DAY. And his most recent film will be this summer's Arnie-less TERMINATOR SALVATION. He is TERRY CREWS. Not necessarily a big name, but a big man to take his place among other big men. As I said, Sly seems very enthusiastic about this fella and I look forward to seeing what Terry Crews has in store for us.

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