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Updated! Live in Chicago? Wanna see I LOVE YOU, MAN with Paul Rudd and Jason Segel Q&A?

UPDATE: The contest is closed, folks. We got more than 300 entries (representing about 600 seats) for an event that will include about half that amount. I plowed through the write-ups, and let me just say that many of you have had some seriously traumatic sexual histories involving members of the same sex. Lots of misplaced body fluids, walking in on someone spanking it or doing it, wayward cuddling. And I especially want to thank those of you who sent in photos and the one woman who sent in video(!). The winners' list will be on the site tonight, and the emails to those who won will go out shortly thereafter. We have a great night of fun ahead of us with Paul and Jason.
Hey everyone. Capone in Chicago here, with what might be the greatest screening opportunity I've been a part of since we starting really doing these things in Chicago. But first let me say how cool it was watching Danny Boyle and his wonderful film win Oscars last night. Boyle was one of the first subjects/victims of an AICN Q&A in Chicago, when he was in town less than two years ago with his previous film SUNSHINE, and our readers got to lob questions at him. At the time, he was gearing up and excited as hell about beginning his next little movie called SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. During my one-on-one interview with him the following morning, we talked a bit more in depth about the film, and it still makes me smile how excited he was about making that movie. He knew it would be something truly special and he was right. But much time has passed, and we have new fish to fry in the Cold and Windy City. We have the exclusive AICN screening of I LOVE YOU, MAN, which has its premiere at BNAT 10 in December, and I've been trying to arrange for a screening of ever since. Not only did I want to show the, but I wanted a guest or two to join us after the film for a bit of fun. The screening of I LOVE YOU, MAN will take place on the evening of Tuesday, March 3 at a theater in Chicago (the time and location will only be given to winners). We've got the whole theater to ourselves (about 260 seats), and we've got the stars of the film--Paul Rudd and Jason Segel--on hand for a post-screening Q&A. Oh mama! It seems like only yesterday that Rudd was in Chicago for our ROLE MODELS screening, and for those of you in attendance, I'm sure you remember how fucking great and generous he was with his time, especially after the Q&A when he must have signed 100 autographs and posed for dozens of photos in every imaginable pose. I make no promises beyond the Q&A, but with Segel on hand, I can only imagine the fun will be exponentially increased. My love of all things Segel naturally goes back to his time on "Freaks and Geeks" and continues on to KNOCKED UP and his slam-dunk hit from 2008, FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL, which he also wrote. And my love of I LOVE YOU, MAN knows no bounds. I've seen it twice, and flipped for it immediately. Here how to secure a pass good for you and one guest. Send me an email at with the subject line "I LOVE YOU" (seeing hundreds of emails with that subject line will make me so happy!). In the body of the email, I need your full name, whether or not your are bringing a guest (guests' names are not required), and, a brief description of your most uncomfortable moment with a close friend of the same sex. Limit your answers to 75 words or less; photographic evidence is optional. I'll be judging these on creativity, shock value, and possibly some kind of evening gown contest, so don't give me some bullshit five-word answer. Competition will be fierce, I suspect, so don't assume that because you've won many times before from me that you'll win this time. I'll say this again as I did for our THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT contest: do not enter this contest if there's even a slight chance you can't come. If you have a job that might force you to drop your plans to come to this screening, do not enter. If your wife or husband is eight-and-a-half months pregnant, do not enter. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, DO NOT ENTER. You can get your folks to enter and bring you, but you can't enter. Winners will receive an email from me and have your names will be posted on the site, so send in your entries soon. Winners must bring an ID to the screening to get in--no exceptions. I'll leave the contest open a couple days, but I'll probably shut it down sometime Wednesday since this thing is going to fill up fast. Good luck, everyone! -- Capone

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